It seems that school starts earlier every year

The Frugal Lunchbox
Go to the Dollar Store and b
uy a few of those individual serving-size storage containers. These are very inexpensive and they are worth every penny.
You can use them for any number of things–like making your own fruit cups and pudding cups.
And they can also be used to hold dip for carrot or celery sticks or fill with peanut butter and pack a zipper bag of pretzels for dipping.
Also at the Dollar Store or discount store, you can pick up one or two of the small “blue ice” cold packs. They will help keep lunchbox items cold and safe. Sandwiches such as egg salad or tuna salad need to have a cold pack. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, on the other hand, can be packed without one.
Muffins hold up well in a zipper-top bag, as do slices of banana nut bread, or most any other quick bread.
When the weather turns cool, a small thermos will come in handy for homemade soup or chili. I see lots of these for sale at garage and yard sales, sometimes for as little as 25 cents.
A thermos is also handy to hold whatever drink your child likes to take.
Try to put some fun in the lunchbox: keep a stash of small, inexpensive toys, cut sandwich bread into cool shapes with cookie cutters, write little notes to your child, cut out funny cartoons. Children love surprises.
A good routine to get into is while you are cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, put leftovers in the storage containers, or make sandwiches and place in the fridge in a designated area for lunch items. Get your kids to help–the more they are involved, the better!
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