DPC Chinese good luck symbols – part 1, Power of Chinese dragons

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Chinese dragons are believed to be the most powerful and important symbol in feng shui and Chinese folklore.

Chinese symbols, Chinese dragons, Chinese symbol, Chinese dragon, dragon and phoenix, turtle dragon,

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Chinese dragon

Chinese dragon is the symbol of protection and success. It is regarded as the Supreme Being among all creatures temples and shrines have been built to honor them.

There are nine dragons , the earth dragon, the wind dragon, sea dragon, water dragon, sky dragon, fire dragon, golden dragon, mountain dragon and heavenly dragon.

Chinese Dragons control the rain, rivers, lakes, and seas. Being the divine mythical animal, the Dragon can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all.

Dragon is traditionally associated with East direction and it is believed that Placing image of dragon on the East side of home or office will protect from negative energy and will bring great fortune.

Chinese dragon & Phoenix – for happy marriage

Chinese dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple which symbolizes Yang (dragon )and Yin (phoenix ) in feng shui. Phoenix alone takes Yang character but when phoenix gets together with dragon or placed beside a dragon, it becomes Yin.

Dragon and Phoenix couple symbolize emperor and empress and they represent a happy marriage blessed with success and prosperity.

The Dragon and Phoenix couple brings not only strengthens relationships. It can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix.

The perfect Chinese symbol as well for people who are singles looking for true love when the image is placed in Southwest corner of your home .

Turtle dragon ( Dragon head tortoise ) – for wealth , career & business success, long life, protection

This unique creature turtle dragon symbolizes awesome powers of two of them and four spiritually endowed creatures of lucky Chinese symbolism.

The creature has the head of dragon, the body of turtle, and is sitting on coins and gold ingots. And there is a baby turtle on the back.

Turtle symbolizes longevity . It is believed that the turtle ( tortoise ) will be able to live 3,000 years without food and air.

Chinese Dragon symbolizes success , power, courage and determination.

Gold ingots symbolize wealth and prosperity.

Chinese ancient coins symbolize increasing income.

Baby turtle symbolizes wonderful descendant luck.

Great place to display this powerful image is North corner of your home when the material is made of metal or on your work desk.

Dragon head sailing ship – For all the success

Sailing ship is described as smooth sailing success and riches which bring wealth and prosperity from wind and water.
It is among the most popular symbols of business & career success in Chinese culture.

Sailing ships are usually displayed near the entrance of store or office at lower position than coffee table and with many coins or gold jewelry on the ship.

A long time ago, many old-style Chinese entrepreneurs used the sailing ship as their logo since it symbolized the winds bringing more business, more trade and therefore more revenue.

Next to the dragon, the sailing ship is the most popular symbol that is used by Chinese businessmen.

Dragon head sailing ship is a combination of two success symbols , that become more powerful and expand yang energy around the area.

It is said to bring favorable luck for all your goals even personal accomplishment.

Position of the sailing ship has to be coming in, not going away and no higher than coffee table .

Dragon dance

In Chinese new year , Dragon dance is held for celebration to welcome new year and is a important occasion for openings. Dragon dance is believed to create positive Qi energy .
Similar dance is taken in wedding ceremonies in China.