
Info Event Open University Duisburg

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Information about the info event on the Carl Duisberg University

online degree, online phd, online colleges, online phd, bachelor master

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Copyright 2006 Stefan Kelber

On Saturday, 10 March 2006, the open University accomplished an information meeting into Carl For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Duisberg Centren in central situation in Cologne. The info day took place in a modern class room. Free beverages were offered. In addition extensive documentation laid out in the area. Beside the current information brochures and course lists, which could be ordered also over the InterNet, it acted thereby also around original training course documents out of numerous courses and courses of studies, which laid out to the inspection.In addition it gave particularly copied tracer luggage to carries forward, in those cutouts from the documents was arranged. Altogether were approx.. 15 prospective customers, several active and former students and some coworkers the open University as well as two press representatives (beside the Fernstudium editor still another journalist of the Deutschlandfunk) appeared. Presentation The presentation part completely held in English language began with greetings by Bettina Schwerdtfeger, Koordinatorin the open University for the range Germany center.

Subsequently, the characteristics and characteristics of the study at the open University were represented with the help of power POINT a presentation (the presentation is attached to this report as plant). The open Universtity is really “open”, i.e. a remote study at the open University is not bound at certain conditions like an Abitur. The participants must be old only at least 18 years and have good English knowledge (exception: Postgraduale of courses of studies require a first academic conclusion). The complete remote study is modular developed. In addition, so aimed individual topics can be worked on, it can on an academic conclusion (Bachelor, master, etc..) are hang-worked. The Campus the open University is in Milton Keynes. To the UK there are 13 regional centers the open University. On the European mainland 12 co-ordinators are active – three of it in Germany. World-wide study approx.. 200,000 students at the open University, of it approx.. 7000 in Europe and approx.. 1300 in Germany.

So that the remote study does not become the however study, stands for each student “personal tutor” to the side. A Tutor cares for thereby 15-20 students. In addition, an exchange is possible with other students, in addition is available in particular the communication platform FirstClass. For remote students outside of Great Britain two characteristics are to be considered: On the one hand all course on the continent is not available. And on the other hand the course fees are clearly higher. The latter has its cause in the fact that the open University for these students does not receive national support. Website conception Following the presentation in a live-demonstration the InterNet offer the open University was represented. Here extensive information is to the study offer, to which fees, to which starting dates and further topics around the remote study at the open deposits approximately University. In the InterNet also the possibility exists of downloading the extensive written documentation the open University. Open question round The lecture part a question round followed. In the following a selection of questions and answers: Is the ratio of the university drop-outs how high? On the continent approx.. 25%, in the United Kingdom more highly.

Which average age do the students the open University have? The minimum age is 18, the spectrum is enough from 20-90 and the average age lies with approx.. 35. The group of principal purposes the open University are the 25-55-Jaehrigen. Are the examinations offered also in Cologne? No. The next remote study center is in Neuss with Duesseldorf. How do the examinations run off? The dates several months admits before given and always fall on a working-day. The duration of the Klausren amounts to three hours. Up to the report of the results months can offense up to four. Which English knowledge is necessary? There is necessary very good English knowledge for the remote study. This applies in particular to the examinations, since in these the time pressure is so large that no time remains, in order many words to look up (a ensprachiges dictionary is permitted in the examinations). A proof of the English abilities before beginning of the remote study is not demanded, the English knowledge should however that Cambridge of the Proficiency or the IELTS test (it concerns the British counterpart to the American TOEFL) correspond. Are there also verbal examinations? Only in the language courses. Does the open University work after the ECTS (European Credit transfer system)? No. The open University uses a British point system. The charge of payments in advance at German universities should be no problem however nevertheless. In which connection to does open the University stand the open University Business School? The open University Business School is a faculty the open University, itself on the management remote study (MBA etc..) concentrated. The open Universtity Business School is commercially aligned and receives also no supports.